
Challenge: Manual processing of co-payments leads to inefficiencies, long wait times for patients, and increased likelihood of errors in billing.

Solution: Tez Health Care offers a digital platform for co-payment processing, allowing patients to make payments online, reducing wait times and minimizing errors.

Challenge: Patients often face confusion regarding their co-payment obligations due to a lack of transparency in the billing process.

Solution: Tez Health Care provides real-time information on co-payment amounts, insurance coverage, and eligibility, ensuring that patients are informed about their financial responsibilities upfront.

Challenge: Maintaining paper-based records of co-payments can lead to data loss, inaccuracies, and difficulty in tracking payment history.

Solution: Tez Health Care digitizes co-payment records, making them easily accessible, searchable, and reducing the risk of errors associated with manual record-keeping.

Challenge: Patients may face limitations in payment options for co-payments, leading to inconvenience and delays.

Solution: Tez Health Care provides multiple payment options, including online payments, to ensure convenience and flexibility for patients in managing their co-payments.

Challenge: Hospitals may struggle to generate reports and analyze co-payment data effectively, hindering decision-making and process improvement.

Solution: Tez Health Care offers real-time reporting and analytics on co-payment trends and patterns, enabling hospitals to identify areas for improvement and optimize their co-payment processes.

Challenge: Paper-based co-payment records are susceptible to loss, theft, or unauthorized access, raising concerns about data security and patient privacy.

Solution: Tez Health Care ensures data security by implementing robust encryption and access control measures, protecting patient information from unauthorized access and breaches.

Challenge: Hospitals may struggle to maintain an audit trail of co-payment transactions, making it difficult to track changes and verify transactions.

Solution: Tez Health Care provides an audit trail of all co-payment transactions, including details of changes made, ensuring transparency and accountability in the billing process.

Challenge: Patients may have limited access to their co-payment payment history, making it difficult for them to track their healthcare expenses.

Solution: Tez Health Care provides patients with access to their complete co-payment payment history, enabling them to track their expenses and manage their healthcare finances more effectively.